We have three conferences a year – with talks and discussion sessions and opportunities to mix and mingle over coffees, teas, drinks and lunches.
The general pattern of our conferences is that the speakers deliver their talks and, after every two talks, there is a discussion session when members have the opportunity to address questions to the speakers and explore their topics in more detail. At the conclusion of each conference, members receive by e-mail a summary of all the talks given at the conference.
An important feature of membership of the Association is the opportunity it offers to form contacts with practitioners in other jurisdictions. The programmes at our conferences are not overcrowded – deliberately so. There are opportunities during each of the two days and at the receptions in the evenings to mingle with other members.
It is virtually impossible to come away from a conference of the Association not having learned something new and useful, and not having made at least one contact which proves valuable.
Talks given at past conferences are available on the website as summaries and transcripts. At the conclusion of each conference, every member who has an e-mail address receives a summary of the talks given at that conference. The Summaries are also printed in the issue of ITPA News following the conference, and the Transcripts appear in the next issue of the ITPA Journal. The Summaries and Transcripts are an invaluable resource, especially for those members who were unable to attend the original conference. While the Summaries and Transcripts are necessarily obsolescent, a search of these materials can often reveal a clue to the solution of a difficult problem.