About ITPA
Who we are
The International Tax Planning Association is a multi-disciplined association of bankers, trust officers, finance directors, accountants, lawyers and others with a practical interest in the tax aspects of cross-frontier transactions.
We examine our subject mostly from the point of view of the taxpayer; membership is limited to practitioners who act for or in the interests of taxpayers. We were founded in 1975 and are the only association devoted solely to the study of this subject.
The object of our Association is to disseminate and exchange information about international tax planning. This we do in three ways – through our conferences, through our publications and via the internet.
We have three conferences a year – with talks and discussion sessions and opportunities to mix and mingle over coffees, teas, drinks and lunches.
The general pattern of our conferences is that the speakers deliver their talks in the morning, and in the afternoon are discussion sessions when members have the opportunity to address questions to the speakers and explore their topics in more detail.
An important feature of membership of the Association is the opportunity it offers to form contacts with practitioners in other jurisdictions. The programmes at our conferences are not overcrowded – deliberately so. There are opportunities during each of the two days and at the receptions in the evenings to mingle with other members.
It is virtually impossible to come away from a conference of the Association not having learned something new and useful, and not having made at least one contact which proves valuable.
Talks given at past conferences are available on the website as summaries and transcripts. At the conclusion of each conference, every member who has an e-mail address receives a summary of the talks given at that conference. The Summaries are also printed in the issue of ITPA News following the conference. The Transcripts appear in the next issue of the ITPA Journal, and pending publication, the recordings can be heard via the website. The Summaries and Transcripts are an invaluable resource, especially for those members who were unable to attend the original conference. While the Summaries and Transcripts are necessarily obsolescent, a search of these materials can often reveal a clue to the solution of a difficult problem.
Between the conferences, members receive the ITPA News and the ITPA Journal. These are published three times a year. The ITPA News contains (among other things) a summary of the proceedings of the last conference and the programme and booking forms for the next two. The ITPA Journal has an edited text of the proceedings.
Members are also entitled to a Certificate of Membership, the ITPA pocket diary and to receive the Topic articles each week.
The Website
An ITPA member is able to:
- view on our website, or download if he wishes, any part of the Portfolio of Laws, which contains the trust laws and company laws and other relevant laws and tax treaties of the major offshore jurisdictions (and see under Tax Treaties below);
- be listed on our website in our Directory of Members, which includes the member’s address, fax and telephone numbers;
- access and contribute to the Yearbook, where members are encouraged to share their practical knowledge and experience in tax planning issues and legislation;
- read (or download) verbatim Transcripts of papers delivered at ITPA conferences;
- read headnotes and download judgements contained in the International Trust Cases;
- install a reciprocal hyperlink between his website and the Links@ITPA page of the Association’s website;
- peruse the programmes for the next two conferences of the Association, and, if he decides to attend, to make a reservation (space permitting);
- download earlier ITPA Publications.
The annual membership fee is £480. Full members are entitled to appear in the online (and password-protected) Directory of Members together with their contact details. It is perhaps one of the most significant advantages of belonging to the Association, that faced with a problem involving another jurisdiction, you will have the telephone and fax number of a fellow member practising in that jurisdiction – often someone you will have met and spoken to in the course of one of the Association’s conferences. As a member you will also have unlimited and unrestricted access to the other professional and library information on the private pages of our website, which are also password-protected. Members are entitled to an annual certificate of membership, the ITPA pocket diary and the receipt of Topic articles each week.
We offer a Subscriber membership to college and university teachers and libraries for £175 per year. This entitles you to receive our three Journals and ITPA News each year and to receive a certificate.
Students and Trainees:
Membership is open to bona-fide students and trainees at a reduced annual fee of £150. Application should be made annually to the Registrar, enclosing evidence of student or trainee status. A limited number of bursaries are available for each conference, to enable students and trainees to attend the conferences at a reduced fee. A student or trainee awarded a bursary contributes one-third of the attendance fee and the Association contributes the other two-thirds (travel, hotel and other expenses being the responsibility of the student or trainee). Application for a bursary should be made to the Registrar. Student membership entitles you to the same benefits that full members receive with the exception that you are not offered the membership certificate, or the complimentary diary. As students you are also not included in the Directory of Members, or in the Directory of Services, neither of which you receive.
Conditions of Membership
- Admission to and renewal of membership shall be on and subject to the terms of the Memorandum and Articles of Association of The International Tax Planning Association (the “Association”) and the provisions following (which shall have effect in accordance with the law for the time being in force in the Cayman Islands).
- The Committee shall have power to grant or refuse any application for admission to or renewal of membership without being required to disclose any reason and may delegate such power to a sub-committee established for the purpose (the “Membership Sub-committee”) or any member thereof. In the event of refusal of such application any enrolment or annual membership or booking fee paid shall be returned in full.
- The list of members shall not in any circumstances be used as a mailing list or for distributing any circular whether by mail fax e-mail or otherwise except with the prior consent of the Committee. A member shall not make use of the logo of the Association or otherwise give to any person the impression that the services offered by him or his firm are in any way endorsed by the Association.
- A member charged with any criminal offence in any part of the world (which expression shall not include any traffic offence) or with any breach of professional etiquette shall bring the facts to the attention of the Registrar who shall bring them to the attention of the Membership Sub-committee. The membership of a person so charged may be suspended by the Membership Sub-committee and such suspension shall be brought to the attention of the Committee at its next meeting. In the event of conviction such suspension shall become indefinite but the Committee shall nevertheless have power on the application of the suspended member and after considering such evidence as it shall fit to revoke such suspension in which event such suspended member shall be at liberty to renew his or her membership without being required to pay any enrolment fee.
- A member joining or renewing in any year shall enjoy the full benefit of membership of the Association from that date until the anniversary thereof PROVIDED THAT in the event that by reason of the death imprisonment or incapacity of the member or the insolvency or winding-up of the Association or for any other reason whatsoever such benefit shall not be enjoyed for the whole of such period the Association shall be at liberty but shall not be obliged to make to such member such refund (if any) as the Committee shall think appropriate in the circumstances and such member shall have no other or further claim on the Association.
- The Association does not endorse any views expressed or guarantee the accuracy of any information contained in any presentation or publication or on the website of the Association and a member making use of such content for any purpose does so at his own risk.
- Privacy policy. Information relating to members (including guest members, intending and former members) is collected, stored securely, processed and deleted as may be necessary or expedient for the purpose of establishing, managing and terminating membership and not otherwise. Information is not shared with third parties. A member is at liberty at any time to require the Association to amend or delete any information. The Association utilises cookies on this website for statistical purposes only.